Friday, January 10, 2014

LEGAL WRITING FUNDAMENTALS- Cognitive and Affective Reorientation in Learned Composition

LEGAL WRITING FUNDAMENTALS- Cognitive and Affective Reorientation in Learned Composition

Writing well is the most vital and yet the rarest skill in law. Good writing boosts your ethos and sets you apart as an especially sound professional. You can significantly upgrade your legal-writing skills by attending our 2-day workshop.
International best practices now require legal documents to be accessible to their end-users. Law is not just for lawyers, but for the whole community. The era of the law as a clannish, closed, almost-cultish club is over. This is the age of open communication and respect for lay clients. Like other businesses, law is a service, and clients paying for legal services should understand precisely what they are paying for.
Most Nigerian lawyers are ill-prepared to compete in the global legal-services market. The common demand of that market is for good writing. Few Law Faculties in Nigeria teach legal writing. The Nigerian Law School does not teach legal writing. Law students’ written assignments are not graded for composition, grammar, spelling, style, syntax, or usage; only for doctrinal content. Few law teachers have the inclination, training, or skill to coach or mentor students in writing, and fewer do. And because this is not a recent deficiency, Nigerian lawyers at all levels (including judges, legal-department heads, partners, professors, and SANs) generally write poorly.
The Write House was set up to fill this gap in legal training by providing continuing professional development in legal writing. The Write House pioneered the Plain English movement in Nigeria. The Write House is Africa’s frontline team of legal-writing coaches, consultants, experts, and mentors.
Legal Writing Fundamentals is our first course in this process of re-training. The objectives of this course are:-
1.      To persuade participants to join the global Plain English movement in legal writing
2.      To expose legalese and verbosity in conventional legal writing to the ridicule they deserve
3.      To teach techniques for trimming fat off legal writing and discarding legalese
4.      To instil grammar, style, syntax, and usage improvements which enhance persuasive power in legal writing
5.      To teach clarity in legal prose

Dates: Thursday 13 to Friday 14 February 2014
Time: 10am-2pm both days

call jeff 08030485016 

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